
Showing posts from February, 2016

My honest confession about "Go Set A WatchMan" by Harper Lee

Go Set A Watchman Harper Lee August 02, 2015 (wrote this piece right after the book was published and posting now as a tribute to an author I admire) Let me start with an honest confession. I read To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee years ago. How could I not read it? It is one of the greatest classics and to not read would have been a blasphemy for an avid reader like me and an English major (at one point). But I forgot all about it till the rumour of the release of Ms Lee coming out with a new novel. To add to the suspense and the confusion was the fact that the debate before the release of the book was mostly centered around the issue that the novel was not a new book but perhaps a “prelude” or a “sequel” to her already best seller and the evergreen classic To Kill A Mockingbird. Part of me thought I should revisit the first novel so that I would be prepared for the release of Go Set A Watchman and part of me shamefully admitted to the fact tha...