When I Die, Let Death Be Your Freedom

When I Die, Let Death Be Your Freedom I have always wondered about death. Not romanticizing death but taking death as a part of a cycle. I recall telling my father I will live till I am 100 years old and would love to jump off a cliff on my 100th and mark it as a successful living. Perhaps a naïve thought but maybe a significance of its own for I was not thinking of it as a death by suicide but rather a life fully lived. Not sure what I was thinking then but what I was very clear even at such a tender age was that my death should not be taken as a religious ritual but a celebration of a fulfilled life. When my paternal grandmother passed away, I did not see any ritual apart from 13 days of mourning. When my maternal grandmother passed away, I began to notice Hindu ceremonies. That triggered something within me and I told myself that I would like to write about my death do’s and don’ts! I never did but one thing that struck hard was perhaps that is why my paternal grandfather...