The Creative Space

End of the Age of Contemplation and Beginning of the New Journey……after years of musing over how to express beyond the self-confined doors of diary and personal writing, here I am! The shyness dominates and I am quite aware that readers would see beyond the pseudonym because in my defence, I am not afraid of constructive criticism but rather a slap of demotivation. Life is amazing no doubt but we live in a culture dominated by Who’s Who and to even get a point across, you need influence. So if I were to use influence, how would I know the capacity of my writing: is it intellectually challenging, creatively motivating or merely a favour out of knowing somebody??

Now that I have expressed my initial thoughts, I am ready to explore the world of writing and free expressions. We spend our lives searching; I am not sure what though. Some call it love, some call it happiness, some call it fame and fortune, some call it beauty, some call it eternal peace! We all know the universal truth that one day we will die so why this hunger of searching? We are so worried of what others might say and think that I have realised I spend my hours living for others, trying to be politically correct for others. I do not mind living for the ones I truly care but to be living so that I have an answer for somebody else is not how I would want to be spending my moments in this breathing space.

The search never ends and it should not end also but pondering about the limitations and the happenings of the past limits the possibility of a positive NOW. Most of us have gone through a phase where our dreams have been shattered or sleepless nights over unrequited love or the competitive streak getting the worst of us or even wanting to do something but never really getting there to do it. I cannot talk about you but yes, I can now seriously think about what I want to do so that I contribute to the overall betterment of humanity or to start on a small scale, contribute to the positive NOW which will build a brighter TOMORROW.

Life has become so complicated and the world is becoming dangerous day by day. Not a day goes by without a mention of killing, hurting, raping, and bombing in the news across the globe. The mass murdering of the 20 innocent children in Connecticut, to a gang-raping of a college student in Delhi to the death of an acid burnt victim in Kathmandu to the suicide of a dedicated nurse and the list is endless. The eyes yearn for some beautiful news that would bring a smile on my face. I literally have to turn away from watching television or reading news because the headlines capture the tragedies of life. I prefer to watch Gangnam style to the current world politics because atleast that gives me a tune to hum and a step to dance my way around. I prefer to read love stories than newspapers because that gives me a beautiful dream when I rest my head in my pillow after a long day of work. Is this shying away from the reality of life? I consider not because what I look and yearn for is inner peace as that would lead me towards positivity of life and in return contribute towards making my surrounding a romantic, innocent, creatively challenging and intellectually motivating place to live in.

So all you beautiful people out there….here I am….breaking the boundaries of dos and donts…I may not be a nightingale but I will sing anyway, I may not be a dancer but I will shake my hips anyway, I may not have a bestseller in my name but I will write anyway, I may not be an activist but I will raise my voice against gender based violence anyway, I may not be an artist but will paint my love anyway, I may not be a conservationist or environmentalist  but I will work towards saving and preserving before it is too late  and I may not be a politician but nonetheless, I will try my best to make this location a better place to live in for YOU!!!!!!!

These are not just thoughts and merely talks but a process that has already started…will keep you updated as work progresses…till then,



  1. Glad that you started.
    This reader is now addicted to your writings.
    Keep writing.

    1. Thank you so much for going through my thoughts!!! I truly appreciate and hope to write more :)


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