A Simple Life But Complicated Meanings

Michel de Certeau would love my recent “Walk in the City” experience!!! For a change, I fell in love with this city all over again! The dirt, smell and busy road did not bother me (of course the fact remains that this was a day when nothing was moving!!!) but it just felt nice to tune my body and mind to the place I grew up! City girl I am and I am not ashamed to say this NOW but I always let myself get depressed because I could not get out from the hullabaloo of life to a much quieter space. But then the other day, things changed!

I started looking at my city with a different lens. The intricate designs of the past, combined with the modern, abstract construction has created a strange picture of the town but not to acknowledge that change felt like sheer hypocrisy because I am also part of that Cultural Revolution, wanting the better of the modern technology, space and comfort. My dream remains of travelling to the unknown terrain (unknown to me atleast) and I will do so. I do yearn to dip my feet in the water, admire the virgin landscape and after a long day of walk enter into a deep slumber of sweet exhaustion. I would love to spend the day reading and hopefully penning some creative ideas then again sitting in the dirt “without the mattress” and wondering how it would feel to make love in the open sky!!!

The walk, as I continued, started unravelling the possibilities of publishing the novel which I started writing few months ago but always looking for that right moment to sit down and continue. It also gave me the strength to win the battle of medical issues and dream of being alive for a very long time. The walk of life gave me the perspective towards being who I am and not what I am supposed to be in relation to work and personal circumstances. It made me appreciate my heritage and wait in anticipation for the positive changes that are bound to happen for I am part of that change process.

I managed to pick the little trinkets of existence…I managed to see layers within the feelings that occupy my mind..I managed to unleash my desires in a creative perspective..I managed to differentiate between the normalcy of life and the drive to be part of that change, whichever and in whatever way…I managed to shy away from the darkness of the public limelight into the colors of my own rainbow…

All in all, the walk gave me one more reason to live with a smile!!!!



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