The Closeted Dreams

She looks outside her window. The intoxicating smell of the freshly brewed coffee, endless monsoon rain and that melancholy weather yet the blissful state of the mind lets her dream again. She is happy yet sadness hovers around her like a crown that has lost its charm years ago. The feeling of not being able to do something rips her apart day and night. It is not about jealousy or depression or mere fragmented ideas. It is about who she is and what she thinks she can offer. It is also not about running away from the responsibilities. She is desperately searching for an answer or at least an opening so that she can follow that path and try something different, something new, something that she always dreamt but never got the courage to explore.

She is smiling now for she knows that she is crazy. Crazy and wild, sweet and bold, funny and lazy, compassionate and creative but above all, a dreamer. Her dreams are manifestation of what she sees happening day and night, of what she wants to do apart from what she is doing right now, of what she wishes every human being should do to bring peace and happiness around. Her dreams are so creative and philosophical, so thought provoking and genuine. It is the virgin snow untouched by any climbers till date.

She is frowning now for she knows that she cannot share her dreams with anyone. The world revolves around you, me, he, she, they and least one of them gets offended, she will be shattered. She wants to be free and share her dreams for she knows that they are so true and beautiful. On the contrary, she also knows that it is so radical that this human-made society will judge her and announce a sentence which will have immense effect on the purified soul. Yes, she is free to dream but she is not free to share!!! The reality pierces through that beating heart. Why does she have to worry about the consequences?

She is blushing now. Oh how she loves her dreams. She can laugh and be naughty, she can cry and be sad, she can dare and be bare, she can love and kill for no one can stop her from dreaming the unthinkable. Her dreams are free from the worry of financial backing, her dreams are free from criticism for those are hers and she knows that she can wander around as there are no boundaries. Just as she enters into the euphoric state of mind, she realises that the monsoon rain has transcended into her dreams yet again and a rainbow sheds an intoxicating maze to unravel her closeted dreams.


  1. ...and in this intoxicating maze of the rainbow as the closeted dreams are unraveled, at the dawn of the universe the first dream that seem to have appeared in the real is you yourself Labanya! The writer is the dream to this reader's eyes. Beautiful piece, very pure and virgin, daring... And that's what's freedom is all about isn't it... Daring to dream the unthinkable!!

  2. Thank you for taking time to read my piece and for the beautiful comment. I love the fact that dreams are so beyond our control hence, the liberty to beautify and give that mischevious smile which belongs only to You and You alone!!!

  3. For dreams come true for those who dare to dream :-)
    Thanks for a wonderful piece....Much love !

    1. Thank you for going through it! Dreams are such unedited truth of our lives :)

  4. The beauty of dreams...
    Loved it !


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