Selfies Of My Life

Sometimes I feel that the shots of my life are best expressed in selfies. Would I say that is a candid shot? Probably not because retakes are numerous!!! The head tilts back and forth and so does the angles but one thing remains the same, the smile. I have to thank the smartphones for opening this new path towards obsessive behaviour of click click but somehow I am happy with this particular obsession!!!!

How I wish life could be like the selfies. I get to decide when to take the shot, how many to take, which ones to post (everywhere) and which ones to delete. Of course not to mention the colours and the edits which caters to my taste. It also shows the spectrum of life….ages as we would define! The twinkle of being in love, the despair of disappointments, the conflict of compromise, the paradox of present and the past, the expectation of the future, the tragedy of life and death and of course, the lines that shows the enormous wealth of experience!!

As the time changes its season, I sit back and wonder. Have I ever really thanked for being able to live my life in this day and age? When I close my eyes, I hear the sounds of machines failing to appreciate the chirping of the birds. When I see the picture of the mountains, I feel sad for not being able to climb failing to appreciate the beauty of nature. When I shop for my grocery, I complain of what is not available rather than appreciate what is actually there. When I get a headache, I curse the cetamol for not giving the immediate relief but do I feel grateful that atleast I have that option to take?

Self-critical or over philosophizing the natural existence of being human? Another option for a selfie! Perhaps a little colour to add to my extensive analysis of how I perceive life. I have lived a colourful life so far but days to go, before I close the chapter of the selfies of my life!! This realisation is the core of my celebration, of being who I am and who I have become!!! Perhaps little selfish with a tint of altruism at my heart. Definitely a romantic learning to float in the rainbow of the enigmatic reality called life. 

Labanya, as she dances to the music of being perfect amongst the imperfections of her life!!!!

Happy Birthday Girl!!!!


  1. So she's a birthday girl! Labanya :) Your journey through the personal universe with little discoveries of the unexplored terrains of your own being, and the being's portrait traced out by lines of melancholy and joy of living; runs along the space time continium like Selfie of "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds..." Enjoyed reading your new post once again.. It's indeed a Selfie treat this time round! Thank you! :)

  2. Happy Birthday Dijju .. Wonderful contemplation to read and feel and to contemplate again -why have I not been floating happily in what you say "the rainbow of the enigmatic reality called life".


  3. an interesting read :) i like the analogies :)

  4. :) the me me me effect! Thanks for reading!


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